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Sunday, 19 July 2009

Some more information on "Saint Mandela"

If you don't want your day spoiled by right-wing lies and propaganda, for heaven's sake and your own safety don't read this article that clasts the saint and icon Mandela.

Rather read St Mandela's wonderfully uplifting tract "How to be a good communist" here. (Please just ignore the introductory section in which a horrible racist dares to question The Great Man's friendship with the likes of other fine examples of democrats like Fidel Castro.)

The whole trial and jail sentence was also just so, you know, UNFAIR. Below is the list of unreasonable charges laid against St Mandela and his good-natured and harmless friends during the Rivonia Treason Trial by the previous racist regime. As you can see, they were clearly only gathering supplies for a children's party - the 210,000 hand grenades were surely only intended as a fireworks show. Nobody except a real racist would think otherwise.

• One count under the South African Suppression of Communism Act No. 44 of 1950, charging that the accused committed acts calculated to further the achievement of the objective of communism;
• One count of contravening the South African Criminal Law Act (1953), which prohibits any person from soliciting or receiving any money or articles for the purpose of achieving organized defiance of laws and
country; and
• Two counts of sabotage, committing or aiding or procuring the commission of the following acts:

1) The further recruitment of persons for instruction and training, both within and outside the Republic of South Africa, in:
(a) the preparation, manufacture and use of explosives—for the purpose of committing acts of violence and destruction in the aforesaid Republic, (the preparation and manufacture of explo- sives, according to evidence submitted, included 210,000 hand grenades, 48,000 anti-personnel mines, 1,500 time devices, 144 tons of ammonium nitrate, 21.6 tons of aluminum powder and a ton of black powder);
(b) the art of warfare, including guerrilla warfare, and military training generally for the purpose in the aforesaid Republic;
(ii) Further acts of violence and destruction, (this includes 193 counts of terrorism committed between 1961 and 1963);
(iii) Acts of guerrilla warfare in the aforesaid Republic;
(iv) Acts of assistance to military units of foreign countries when involving the aforesaid Republic;
(v) Acts of participation in a violent revolution in the aforesaid Republic, whereby the accused, injured, damaged, destroyed, rendered useless or unserviceable, put out of action, obstructed, with or endangered:
• (a) the health or safety of the public;
• (b) the maintenance of law and order;
• (c) the supply and distribution of light, power or fuel;
• (d) postal, telephone or telegraph installations;
• (e) the free movement of traffic on land; and
• (f) the property, movable or immovable, of other persons or of the state.

Friday, 17 July 2009

The real St. Mandela

Many newspapers are carrying front-page articles about St. Mandela's 91st birthday tomorrow. Instead of the fawning hagiographies, let's rather consider the real "achievements" of St. Mandela.

1. Mandela was so "oppressed" that he went to university became a lawyer. He was allowed to practice law with his partner, Oliver Tambo. This strangely happened in apartheid South Africa in 1953, in which it is routinely alleged blacks were denied proper education.

2. During the Rivonia trial Mandela was convicted of plotting to overthrow the previous government by means of military action. Had the plan succeeded, thousands of "freedom fighters" would have sown terror and mayhem in South Africa. Mandela was therefore far from an innocent pacifist and his jail sentence was nothing if not fully justified. It remains a mystery why Percy Yutar, the prosecutor, did not call for the death sentence, which would also have been justified given Mandela's treasonous intentions.

3. In 1961 he was one of the founders of Mkhonto we Sizwe - the "pricks (sorry "spears") of the nation", a murderous bunch of cowardly terrorist thugs, known mainly for their prowess at mowing down innocent civilians. As a military force, Mkhonto was however a complete joke, in spite of the so-called "Freedom Park's" memorial to them. Mkhonto failed to "liberate" one square centimeter of South African territory. Instead, nests of this infestation were routinely exterminated by the former SA Defence Force.

4. Mandela admits in his book The Long Walk To Freedom that he personally approved the Church Street bombing, in which 11 people died and more than 200 were injured. Most of them were innocent civilians.

5. He remained in jail because he refused to renounce violence. The previous government did offer to release him provided he renounced violence. Hardly Mother Theresa stuff.

6. After he came to power, his regime wasted no time in befriending rogue states like Libya and Cuba and imposing the state racism aimed at whites known as affirmative action and black economic empowerment.

Like Mohammad Atta and Carlos the Jackal, this person is no hero, no saint and definitely not worthy of our admiration.

Wednesday, 08 July 2009

The strange cult of the anti-hero

There have been many heroes throughout history; those whose unselfish and noble deeds have been an inspiration to others.

One example of a true hero was Lucius Quinctius Cincinnatus, a Roman policitian. Cincinnatus was called upon to act as dictator in order to defeat an enemy, the Aequians. As soon as he succeeded in doing so, he resigned his from a position of absolute authority and returned to a simple life as a farmer.

It's hard to imagine any modern day politician doing likewise.

Many of the so-called heroes of the present day are clearly not in the same mould as Cincinnatus. We are rather faced with the cult of the worship of the anti-hero. The most recent example of the worship of an anti-hero was the unfounded hysteria accompanying the death of the suspected paedophile Michael Jackson.

Let's take another example of a so-called American hero, one who even has a public holiday in his honour. This so-called hero was not only someone who plagiarised his academic work, but also an adulterer and a womaniser. The FBI recorded him shouting: "I'm fucking for God!" while philandering. The night before he died, he cheated on his wife with not one but two different women.

Hardly the stuff heroes are made of, wouldn't you say, especially considering he was supposedly a man of God? The anti-hero I'm referring to above is Martin Luther King, somebody who is routinely exalted as some kind of role model. We're really scraping the bottom of the barrel if Dr King is seen as a hero to some.

South Africa has its own crop of anti-heroes. Many of them are so-called Struggle heroes or associated with the ANC. The sickening spectacle of the anti-hero and fraudster Tony Yengeni being escorted to prison to serve time for corruption will forever be a mark of shame on the odious ANC regime.

Other ANC anti-heroes abound. Winnie Mandela, a child murderer and convicted fraudster, is known as the "Mother of the Nation." Aboobaker Ismael, the cowardly murderer who planned the Church Street bombing that killed innocent civilians, was rewarded for his "heroism" with a senior position at the Reserve Bank.

Perhaps the most laughable example of the cult of the anti-hero is however the so-called "Chief Tshwane." Chief Tshwane (sic) was ostensibly a tribal chief in the area that is now called the city of Pretoria. According to the ANC city council, Tshwane (sic) "established" the "City of Tshwane" (sic.)

There is one slight problem with this fairy tale. There is no evidence that "Chief Tshwane" (sic) ever existed. There is speculation that the name is really derived from the local vernacular term for monkey – "tshwene." The river that flows through Pretoria is known as the Apies river (Afrikaans for "monkey") due to the large number of simians that populated its banks.

Furthermore, the modern-day city of Pretoria was in reality founded by the Voortrekker leader Andries Pretorius. There was certainly no bustling metropolis when Pretorius arrived on the site that is now Pretoria.

One of these actually existed and founded Pretoria. The other is a hero to the ANC regime.

The ANC regime, however, in its desperation to find somebody, anybody, to worship as a hero, did not let the facts (or lack thereof) stand in their way. It went to the ridiculous extreme of inventing a fictitious character and even built a statue to honour "Chief Tshwane" (sic), the so-called founder of Pretoria.

This sounds like Monty Python, but it's regrettably true. Can you imagine how bare your cupboard must be of real heroes that you have to go to the extreme of inventing one?

Perhaps we shouldn't sneer at those who view Martin Luther King, Michael Jackson, Winnie Mandela and even "Chief Tshwane" (sic) as heroes. It must be very depressing not having any real heroes to call your own.

Tuesday, 07 July 2009

You will be known by your friends, even in death

"White folks was [sic] in caves while we was building empires." (Racism and poor grammar.)

"We taught philosophy and astrology and mathematics before Socrates and them Greek homos ever got around to it." (Homophobia.)

"...diamond merchants...pin their yarmulkes back and come over to my house." (Anti-Semitism.)

The funeral of the so-called icon and full-time pedophile, Michael Jackson, is being led by the so-called reverend Al Sharpton, the source of the quotations above.

Isn't it ironic how the anti-hero Sharpton is leading the anti-hero Jackson's funeral service? But, then, everything is fine, seeing that both are / were of the correct skin colour (the deceased was born with the correct skin colour and spent his entire life trying to bleach it) and therefore by definition not capable of doing any wrong.

Kind of reminds one of the anti-hero Jeremiah Wright, somebody also associated with another famous personality.

Monday, 06 July 2009

What is the point of South Africa's Defence Force?

Most if not all countries have a defence force. Some, like the current United States armed forces, see action on a daily basis. Others, like the Swiss guards in the world's smallest country, the Vatican, have largely ceremonial duties.

South Africa had a very professional defence force prior to 1994. In spite of sanctions aimed at the previous government, it was the most formidable fighting force on the African continent that successfully fought the Cubans in Angola, in spite of the ANC regime's laughable propaganda to the contrary.

It was especially effective in terms of pest control, eradicating infestations of so-called ANC  "freedom fighters" (in reality a criminal rabble whose military prowess was limited to killing innocent civilians in cowardly bomb attacks) in neighbouring countries.

That was then, before the ANC regime "transformed" the armed forces.

Transformation in South African terms has a very clear and distinct meaning. In practice, it means exorcising any competent white individuals on an Afro-racist basis and replacing them with useless political cronies. One cannot however take the criminal rabble that constituted the so-called "liberation movement's army"  (sic) and expect these individuals to miraculously transform themselves into a professional defence force capable of managing and effectively using the billions of rands' worth of equipment procured during the utterly corrupt arms deal.

The result was both predictable and sad. South Africa's forces, the SANDF, are staffed by ageing soldiers. The younger members of the forces are riddled with HIV and often in no condition to fight. The older members should not be front line soldiers. As the opposition Democratic Alliance's shadow minister of defence puts it: "We have soldiers in barracks, not in the field; we have ships alongside, not at sea; and we have aircraft in hangers, not in the air. We have an army that is overstretched; a navy which is under stretched; and an air force with nothing to stretch."

The obvious question is not why the SANDF is in the state it is in – we all know that the twin evils transformation and the utter incompetence of the ANC regime are at fault. The question is rather: why do we have a defence force at all? Against whom do they "defend" us (sic)?

One of the main tasks of a defence force is to defend the sovereignty of a nation. In other words, the SANDF is there to keep South Africa safe from foreign threats. South Africa is however no longer sovereign. It has in reality been invaded by millions of illegal aliens, overrun by a veritable army of foreigners.

So much so that, as a proportion of its population, South Africa is a world leader in terms of its percentage of illegal aliens. Out of the 50-60 million people within the non-existent borders of the country, there are at least 10-15 million illegals. Between one in five and one in four people walking the streets of South Africa are part of the army of invaders that has already overrun South Africa.

The army is neither capable of nor interested in any semblance of border control. Enforcing South Africa's territorial integrity would, in any event, contradict the ANC regime's apparent policy of radical pan-Africanism, which gives free passage to any illegal alien wishing to enter South Africa. Witness the scrapping of visa requirements for Zimbabweans.

Seeing that South Africa has effectively already been invaded by a horde of foreigners, what about fighting a rearguard action within the borders of the country? After all, South Africa is the world champion not only at rugby football but also at violent crimes such as rape and murder. These illegals are often implicated in the illegal activities.

This also too much to expect from the transformed SANDF however. There are a few soldiers thousands of kilometres away in Burundi but none protecting the South African populace against the millions of invaders on own soil.

I ask again: what is the point of spending billions of rands on an utterly useless defence force, when the foreign invaders have already won the war against South Africa?

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